The playlist archive you are about to access includes each artist, song title, album name, and even record company information from the Folk Sampler national radio broadcast!
The following list allows you to access your favorite FolkSampler program by theme. The shows are listed according to the month in which they were originally uplinked to satellite. Local broadcast dates may vary.

1997 Playlists  |  1998 Playlists  |   
1999 Playlists
  |  2000 Playlists  |  2001 Playlists

J A N U A R Y  2 0 0 2 

Review of 2001 Volume II

What's New?

Road House Blues

Kiss Me Again

Midnight Train

F E B R U A R Y  2 0 0 2 

Sweet Love

Work of the Carpenter

20 Degrees and Snow

Open All Night



M A R C H  2 0 0 2

St. Patrick's Day

Dressed to the Nines

Moon Through the Trees

Take the Scenic Route



A P R I L  2 0 0 2

What's New?

Feathers, Wings, and Birds

Keep It Simple

Here Comes That Rain

M A Y  2 0 0 2

Flat Pick Magic

Mother's Day

Open Hands

Great Canadian Music

What Would Love Say?



J U N E  2 0 0 2

It's Killing Me

Father's Day

Here Comes Summer

Horseback and Happy

J U L Y  2 0 0 2

What's New

Thank You Woodie Guthrie

The Lonesome Blues

Good News

Don't Go

A U G U S T  2 0 0 2

Did I Say I'm Sorry?


Road House Blues

The Eyes

S E P T E M B E R  2 0 0 2

When the First Leaves Fall

Bill Monroe

The Lady Is a Cowgirl

Why We Sing

O C T O B E R  2 0 0 2

What's New?


Woody's Friends


When We Were Young

N O V E M B E R  2 0 0 2

Night Train

Songs of the Carter Family

Home for Thanksgiving

The Fool in us All

D E C E M B E R  2 0 0 2

Tell Me A Story

Blue Christmas

White Christmas

Review of 2002: Volume I

Review of 2002: Volume II

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