The playlist archive you are about to access includes each artist, song title, album name, and even record company information from the Folk Sampler national radio broadcast!
The following list allows you to access your favorite FolkSampler program by theme. The shows are listed according to the month in which they were originally uplinked to satellite. Local broadcast dates may vary.

1997 Playlists  |   1998 Playlists

J A N U A R Y  1 9 9 9

Review of '98 part II
What's New?
Folk Music of the 1960s
Folk Music of The 1970s

F E B R U A R Y  1 9 9 9

Folk Music of the 1980's
It's The Words That Matter
By the Numbers
Talk With Me

M A R C H  1 9 9 9
And So To Dream
The Irish Heartbeat
Call of the Wild
Down This Road
A P R I L  1 9 9 9
What's New?
I Want to Hear a Love Song
Close the Door Lightly
April Showers Bring May Flowers
M A Y  1 9 9 9
Mother's Day
Here's to the Rocky Road
"Listen," She Said
Trains Passing By
J U N E  1 9 9 9
The Bluegrass Ladies
Play Ball
Father's Day
Just Drive
There is a Wall
J U L Y  1 9 9 9
What's New
Texas Swing
Bluegrass Ladies
A U G U S T  1 9 9 9
And So to Dream
Doghouse Blues
West of Yesterday
S E P T E M B E R  1 9 9 9
Time in a Bottle
All Heart
O C T O B E R  1 9 9 9
What's New?
I Hate Those Blues
Is That the Moon I See?
N O V E M B E R  1 9 9 9
Two Kinds of Love I
Two Kinds of Love II
Home for Thanksgiving
Between Midnight and Dawn

D E C E M B E R  1 9 9 9
Heart of Winter
Love is________?
Blue Christmas
White Christmas
1999 Review Part I

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