"Night Train" Show # 02-45
PLAYLIST FOR November 5, 2002
1. Blue Train Big House Big House-'97 MCA 11446
2. Frisco Road Utah Phillips Good Though!-'97 Philo 1004
3. Freight Train Blues Theessink & Guthrie Banjoman-'02 (compilation) Rising Son 2102
4. No One Takes The Train Anymore Phil & Gaye Johnson Lost Broadcast-'93 Aster 2002
5. Train That Carried My Girl From Town Joel Mabus Thumb Thump-'02 Fossil 1402
6. Railroad Bill Cephas & Wiggins Somebody Told The Truth-'02 Alligator 4888
7. Train Going South Front Line Mansion of Kings-'02 Frontline 1003
8. Every Time I'm Crying Susan Shore Cowboys, Lost Loves-'89 (compilation) ROM Vol. 5
9. Riding Across America Colleen Anderson Going Over Home-'01 Edna 03
10. Kansas City Southern Farm Couple Songs From The Kitchen Table-'02 Farm Couple
11. Green Light On The Southern Ed Littlefield, Jr Going To The West-'02 Littlefield
12. Let The Train Blow the Whistle Johnny Cash Johnny Cash-'94 American 45520
13. Tennessee Blues Grier/Phillips/Flinner Looking Back-'02 Compass 4342
14. Black Smoke Train Red Clay Ramblers Rambler-'92 Sugar Hill 3798

Much of the music played on the Folk Sampler can be found at : Elderly Instruments, Lansing, Michigan.


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