"Out In the Kitchen" Show # 15-30
PLAYLIST FOR July 28, 2015
1. Good In the Kitchen Bearfoot Doors & Windows-'09 Compass
2. Corner Of The Kitchen Magpie Magpie-'86 Philo
3. Dancing In the Kitchen Tom Paxton Comedians & Angels-'08 Appleseed
4. Biscuits & Gravy Efron White vDay In the Sun-'00 White
5. Family Kitchen Eight Dollar Mountain Tied To The Tracks-'14 Eight Dollar Mt.
6. Meats In A Can Chuck McCabe Creatures of Habit-'08 McCabe
7. Marty's Kitchen The Green Cards Weather & Water-'05 Dual Tone
8. Mama's Kitchen Michael Reno Harrell Southern Son (no date) Dancing Bear
9. Don't Try It On Me Tom Chapin Give Peas A Chance-'11 Sundance
10. Mama Keeps Her Kitchen Clean Toby Walker Hand Picked-'08 Walker
11. Dancing In The Kitchen Chuck Suchy Different Line Of Time-'99 Little Bluestem
12. My Kinda Man Debi Smith Cupid-04 Smith
13. Cecillia's Kitchen Donal Hineley Blue State Boy-'08 Atom
14. Come On In My Kitchen Robert Johnson The Complete Recordings-'90 Columbia
15. Heaven's Kitchen John McCutcheon 22 Days-'13 Appleseed
16. Dancing With Mom In The Kitchen Coracree Dancing In The Sky-'13 Coracree
17. Canned Good Greg Brown If I Had Known-'03 Red House

Much of the music played on the Folk Sampler can be found at : Elderly Instruments, Lansing, Michigan.


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