"St. Patrick's Day" Show # 09-10
PLAYLIST FOR March 10, 2009
1. Against The Wind/The Mighty One Maire Brennan/Clannad Celtic Women of the World-'95
2. Wild Children Enya A Day Without Rain-'00 Reprise
3. Sile Mairin Fahy/Reeltime Gaelic Voices-'99 Green Linnet
4. Three Reels Patrick Street On The Fly-'07 Loftus
5. All That You Ask Me Solas Another Day-'03 Shanachie
6. The Blackbird Shannon/Matt Heaton Blues Skies Above-'06 Heaton
7. Telling Me Lies Dolores Keane Solid Ground-'93 Shanachie
8. Finnghuala Bothy Band Old Hag You Have Killed Me-'82 Green Linnet
9. Fair & Tender Ladies Cherish The Ladies Woman Of The House-'05 Rounder
10. Suil a Ruin Connie Dover The Wishing Well-'94 Taylor Park
11. Waiting For The Snow Karan Casey Chasing The Sun-'05 Shanachie
12. Lost In The Loop Liz Carroll Lost In The Loop-'00 Green Linnet
13. What's Closest To The Heart Cathie Ryan The Farthest Wave-'05 Shanachie

Much of the music played on the Folk Sampler can be found at : Elderly Instruments, Lansing, Michigan.


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