"Before Their Time" Show #00-02
PLAYLIST FOR January 12, 2000
1. No time To Say Goodbye Tom Paxton Before Their Time-’99 BBT 01
2. The Water Lilly Priscilla Herdman Before Their Time-’99 BBT 01
3. Time To Learn Tim O’Brien Before Their Time-’99 BBT 01
4. Jane’s Whistle Anne Dodson Before Their Time-’99 BBT 01
5. No Man’s Land Eric Bogle Before Their Time-’99 BBT 01
6. Unite Christina Tourin Before Their Time-’99 BBT 01
7. Patchwork Quilt Sweet Honey In The Rock Before Their Time-’99 BBT 01
8. Language of the Heart Jim Stewart/Bernie Houlahan Before Their Time-’99 BBT 01
9. For JL Russ Barenberg Before Their Time-’99 BBT 01
10. Turning Toward The Morning Gordon Bok Before Their Time-’99 BBT 01
11. Breck’s Song Sidney Long/Liz Katler Long Before Their Time-’99 BBT 01
12. Angle of the Light Anne Hills Before Their Time-’99 BBT 01

All of these songs are contained in an Album called "Before Their Time." All net revenue from the sale of this

CD will benefit Hospice VNH (Vermont and New Hampshire) and the New Hampshire Youth Suicide Prevention Association. Produced and distributed by Hospice VNH, 46 South Main Street, White River Junction VT 05001.

For information about this CD: www.beforetheirtime.com. Michael Whitman, executive producer.

Hospice is a group of 3100 local organizations in the United States that provide end-of-life care and support for patients and their families, allowing terminally ill patients to die at home rather than in a hospital or a nursing home. You can call the National Hospice Organization Helpline for information about a hospice program near you or to make a donation: 1 (800) 658-8898


Much of the music played on the Folk Sampler can be found at : Elderly Instruments, Lansing, Michigan.


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